Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aloha !!!

Assalamualaikum, aloha guys ;)

Beware! Here comes The Geeks..Wait! Stop there! Never put us in the same boat with those geeks who goes around wearing 'oldskool' specs and stacks of books up their nose. I repeat, NEVER! We're the new generation. The cool geeks, huhu..we're comprises of Ain, Afiqah, Farah A, Firda, Izah and Idan. Why on earth do we pick this name? Our argument would be that things just happened. Yeah, it is. There's no better reason.

         We're here doing this 'blogging' thingy just because Teech asked us to, for Bel 313. So, after having quite a rough time trying to set up this blog, here we are with our first entree ever..yeah!! High-five for that!!! So Teech, bunch of thanks for giving us the opportunity (which we might not even do if it's not compulsory) to do something experience-worthy. May it'll be a rewarding  experience for us all. InsyaAllah ;). So, peeps do give us your love and support. Lastly, Teech, hope that you'll reward us with lovely, lovely, lovely marks. 

Spread the love. Be the sparks that starts the fire.