Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Cross the river using the tree,
the tree is about to die,
although we don’t want this time to see,
but, there is no way for not to say goodbye.

The journey in this semester for subject critical thinking is coming to the end. Although at the first class, I feel that this learning-type will end as the semester end, but then I realize that this learning-type of study is never ever end. It is because during this class, all of us is teach to keep think and thinking although there is a small matter, but when our brain is start thinks, there are no limit. As we all know, all of us is in the learning process, we keep discover the new things non-stop and there is our responsible to take it and it depends on the person how the things is taken. If that person is really understood about the critical-thinking, they will take in positive ways.

This is the last post for us. This is like write the testament for ourselves. The things that we should understand are if there are existences of start, the end will comes although we keep the times. As usually, if come the times to say goodbye, for sure the things is must to say is the words of appreciation, forgiveness, and all the things that are relate. So in this last post, I take this opportunity to say a lot of thanks to our beloved teech because he is only one and once who spend his times to us. Although we all know that critical thinking subject is the subject that are not easy to scores, but we keep trying and trying until the end. Also, my special thanks to my 1st test partner’s which is Wan. I appreciate for your contribution for the test. And I really thankful to my entire group member, Fiqah A., Ain, Afiqah, Firda and Izzah, for accept me behalf in your group. I know in this group I make many mistakes and for this opportunity to apology for those mistakes. Lastly, for all 5E group members, who are keep cheers in our class, I really appreciate that, for sure this is the best memories of English class I ever feel. Thanks again to all my friends, and this is the time to say the real goodbye to you. For all readers for this blog, thanks for support this blogs. Thank you very much and con te partiro.

Con Te Partiro

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

The time has come. Time to say goodbye. BEL 313, goodbye. Knowledge. Relationships. Experiences. Responsibility. We get it in 313. Actually there are more and more. But the most important are those four things that we will bring it to say hello for our new journey later. Our way later that make we more matured in the future.

I want to thank my partner in test 1, Laila, give and help a lot with me in our assignments.  <3. Infinite thanks to my team members, Farah, Izah, Ain, Afiqah and the only beetle in our group, Idan. All of you are ‘The Best’. Thank you for help me and support me. I’m sorry if there any mistake that I’ve made. There are other feelings that I want to share, not only from my words. It may good if I can hugs all of you now to deliver my feeling to all of you. But, sorry for Idan. J Only in words I can send to you. There is a limit between us.

To Teech, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge to me, to us. I’m sorry if there any mistake that I’ve made. Lastly, thank you to all class members. J Good luck for final exam. Pray for me too. J


"It is not a really goodbye actually. -It is HI-. The journey is just begin. Without you, Teech, this BEL313 course, will not be a great English subject ever. No guidance and a sarcatism from you will not make this job perfectly and lively.  May be there are a lot of requirements, but actually it just a form of lesson. Yes, learning is a process to every learner for making a future preparation. In every single time (especially in the class), we, The 313 Otais are filled with a numerous activities which sometime, it is relaxing and such a therapy.

By having a group web blog, it is an unforgettable relationship as we, the members, have faced a lot of challenges to work on the assignments. We spent time together, create a thousand of brainstorming till such a torpedo’s effect brought out :D , but we still together. Plus on it, it give us the opportunity to start a communication widely by online, as by socializing. It give us a strength to voice out what is on our mind, and thus it teach us for always being ready, firm and cool for any incoming comments positively and even negatively.

All in all, I am very begging an apologise from Teech and all my fellow friends, if I  done wrongly knowingly or not. At last, I like to share my credo, 'Life is a Battle'. With that, I end my talk by Assalamualikum w.b.t.", said Izah from Karangkraf. :P


Assalamualaikum..dear all :)

          "Goodbye seems to be the hardest word". And no, this is not a goodbye. Firstly, to my blog members, i am so thankful for having you guys here. Millions of thanks for all the times we've spent together as a group. For all those bad and good times. Hey, we've managed to get through it, didn't we. A pat in the back everyone. For the girls, forget not the time when we're stranded in PMU. Remember how afraid we are to be caught by the guards. We're too absorbed with our assignment, that's why. Because of you guys, i've gained a very memorable memory of a-kind-of-break-the-rules-moment. I would never have imagined to experience our own private 'sleepover party' here in UiTM. It makes my day. Sorry Idan, you're not invited, being the only beetle in our group and you're staying out even. I think i've shown lots of my different sides throughout our times together. OK, I am here to say that i'm sincerely, seriously proud of you guys. I really am. It's undeniable that the teamwork is strong, we've managed to support and hold each other through ups and downs. You guys give lots of great ideas. Look at our poster and this blog. It is beautiful. Who says we, accounting students are incapable of being artsy? Personally, being handed the responsibility to be the leader, i've seen you guys improved a lot. You guys are braver in voicing out your opinions, to stay calm and be confident with your stands. You try to answer the questions critically. But, i hope that this is not the end. each and every one of us are destined for great things. InsyaAllah. So, keep improving, strive to be better. We can do it. As for me, i am deeply sorry for being lacking in every part there is. Sorry if i'm not good in leading you guys. If there's a time that i am not with you. If, being in a group with me, disadvantaged any of you in whatever way that is. But, for me, i'm having lots of fun with you guys. We've get to know and understand each other better. Next semester will be our last one. So, let's make more good memories, shall we?

          As for Teech, it's been great having you as our lecturer. You are really one of a kind. It's refreshing to have you around. We've experienced lots of new and interesting things during our BEL 313 this semester. You might not believe it but, i've respected you a lot, your mind especially. I do enjoy your class. Looking back, our classmates did lots of good stuffs together through your classes. I am grateful to have you teaching 'critical thinking'. I've gained a lot and i will do better, InsyaAllah. Do pray for us Teech. Sorry if i've done anything that is not to your liking or if i fail to meet any of your expectations. Blamed it on my imperfection. All in all, you guys are a bunch of great people. 

Adios, Assalamualaikum ;)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Submitted to : Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313, Introduction to Critical Thinking.

Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri Iskandar Campus,

Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by : Norsyahizah binti Zulkifli, UiTM #2011225582

Ujian personaliti diri, cerita lelaki kontemporari: Revolusi Hidup Sang NeoMaskulin.

       Greatly spoken, I love this article as it enhance readers to be an outrageous person. However, it is quite doubtful as there is the real disorder fallacy. Based on the statement “ Yang pasti, walaupun lelaki sebenarnya kurang ambil pusing tentang usia sendiri”, it is obviously the fallacy of a hasty generalization. I notice that, it is supposedly not all male is in the same situation of lacking to care on the present trend especially on being out-dated. As the author simply concludes the circumstances based on the small group of studies. So, no need to be hasty, but cool.


Submitted to : Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313, Introduction to Critical Thinking.

Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri Iskandar Campus,

Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by : Norsyahizah binti Zulkifli, UiTM #2011225582

4 konstruk personaliti: Kecenderungan, pembawaan diri, psikometri/psikometriks, tipa personaliti.

       This article is such a good assistance for someone who loved to know the various personalities. However the readers need to think wisely on the points as there is an utmost obvious fallacy. I would like to point out based on the statement of “ ciri personaliti yang tinggi darjah kecenderungannya lazimnya bersifat dominan”. This clearly shows the fallacy due to an appeal to ignorance. Why I say so, because the author simply make a conclusion based on the general instinct in spite of providing the real study on it. All in all, the article is an acknowledging reading tool.

Entry 4 for Test 2

4 konstruk identiti : Diri (the self), ketegori-ketegori identiti,riwayat individu, trajektori identiti.

Submitted by : Muhammad Shahidan Ameer B. Hammad UiTM, #2011282812

It is quite interesting when you read these articles. The flow of story is explained one by one without any single miss between the stories. The story line is much easier to understand because you just discover the elements of “identity” one by one. It makes the readers understand your article without any misunderstanding of information. But something went wrong when you just say and say without any relevant facts. It is more like when you say it, yes, that is true. Overall, this article provides many information which is not actually new to us but we just didn't noticed.

Entry 3 for Test 2

Ujian personaliti diri, cerita lelaki kontemporari : Revolusi Hidup Sang NeoMaskulin

Submitted by : Muhammad Shahidan Ameer B. Hammad, UiTM #2011282812

Although these articles have much information that is fun to be read, it has some information that can be questionable about that. For example, you just said “Sebagai lelaki dengan aspirasi neomaskulin, kedatangan tahun yang baru kita sambut bukan dengan resolusi tetapi dengan EVOLUSI,” which you just provide the information and the sequences from that information without giving the relevant information. I as a reader want to ask, do you have any authority to say that? I can’t see your credibility although from your article to say that you have an authority to prove it. It just an opinion right?

Entry 4 for Test 2

Sahabat sejati? Rakan, teman sampai ke mati!

Submitted by : Firda Anira binti Mokhtar, Uitm #2011206212

I strongly agree with the 10 ways in this article in recognizing that there is a true friend. All these features are very important in self as a friend. Two things that will happen in our friendship are that will change them, or those who influence us. Such changes must be towards the better from before. You'll never have a friend, if you expect a person without any human weakness because men are better if you can see the kindness and fun if you can see the uniqueness. But all men are bad and boring if you cannot see them.

Entry 3 for Test 2

Submitted by : Firda Anira binti Mokhtar, Uitm #2011206212

In my opinion, there should be humility in all human beings even though we are a public figure. Respect from others will higher on be humble in the abilities available to us that there is no in others. I always hold a word, 'lost respect in ourselves when we are too arrogant, and do not be too humble to be respected'. Emeritus Professor said, "can I ask another silly question? I'm really not so clever. . . ", actually it does not mean that he is stupid but it is figurative language in humility and be courteous to the others.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Entry 4 for Test 2

Alkisah kehebatan kesesuaian kasih-cinta 

Submitted by : Nur ‘Ain binti Khairol Aidi, UiTM #2011212732

After reading this article, my thought is just like you. It is true that girls and guys are too easily falling in love in a short time. It shows that when girls and guys are in love, they don’t see the negative side of their partner. However, this happy moment will not last forever. Our love story is not like Cindrella story where the end of the story, they will live happily ever after. In each couple’s life, they will have to face problems. Trough these problems, its make us wiser and more mature.  In a conclusion, we should choose our partner that is suitable to us that we have known each other. The meaning of “suitable” is not the person that is perfect for us, but the person that can make us perfect. And the most important is ones must gives and takes in a relationship.

Entry 3 for Test 2

Ujian personaliti diri, cerita lelaki kontemporari: Revolusi Hidup Sang NeoMaskulin

Submitted by : Nur ‘Ain binti Khairol Aidi, UiTM #2011212732

I think that this article is fun to be read especially for guys. The ideas given are actually relevant to the issue. It is true that everyone must have the revolution in his life. However, this article does not have strong reference and facts, it is merely a personal opinion. I discovered a number of fallacies that had been used in this article. One of the fallacies is a fallacy of appeal to tradition is clearly shown in the statement “Seperti lumrah, kedatangan tahun baru akan membuatkan ramai individu akan membuatkan ramai individu berfikir tentang RESOLUSI mereka”. You simply used the words “Seperti lumrah” as to influence people based on common practice.  

Sunday, September 8, 2013



Life is not as beautiful as what being imagine. Because to through off this life, there are a thousand obstacles that need to be face.
But, bear in mind that, no effort, there will no even a dust.
Poverty, hardship will mature everybody and that function as a catalyst for triggering the ambition and goals in life.
So please, stop making a thousand of excuses because of the lack on material and because of financial problems as they are just demoralizing a person.
Mutual inspiring to each other will bring a success in this life.
In Shaa Allah.

Laskar Pelangi, a great contingent to bring back Islam in Belitong . 

By moral and Muslim personality is one of a grip in each character/student of that school.

With a very poor poverty, they face it in grateful. And it never let their spirit down.

Laskar Pelangi is a best film which full of lessons.
 It enables us, as a student to make a comparison of the benefits that we have and in contrast to the strive for money and knowledge as main characters/ students + teachers did in surviving their life for attaining the success.
 And of course, a thousand of thank you to Mr. Teech for giving ‘The 313ers Otai’ an opportunity to watch this film (feel like watching Laskar Pelangi in cinema). 


Assalammualaikum wbt.

                Firstly, I want to say after I watched the movie of Laskar Pelangi  I feel so grateful for the current condition in this country. For an example political, economy, social, environment and culture. Our country  is more stable than their country. In this movie, we clearly can see the weakness of their country. If we take the political factors as a standard level. From movies, we can see the gaps for the rich persons and poor persons. It’s very far enough to separate them. Same for the other factor, we can see the different between their country and our country so clear. In the other hand, if we look deeply we can see the things that messages of movie is the power heart. As a conclusion, I feel so enjoy during watch this movies. 

The Reflections on The Rainbow Soldiers

          Hands up to the movie 'Laskar Pelangi'. The movie was great and quite hilarious at times. Bunch of thanks to Teech for introducing us to it. Basically, the movie is about how a group of children and teachers fight for their right to give and receive education. It revolves around a community with poor standard of living, in which to get an education seems to be a waste of time as they believe, each and every one of them will just end up as a 'coolie'. Laskar Pelangi sure has a lot of lessons to learn from. My favourite would be that, 'Life is a journey of knowledge'. Sometimes, the nature provides more knowledge for us than a classroom session. Secondly, the movie highlighted that, 'Every child has their own talent that has to be nurtured'. These days, we tend to focus only on academic achievements thus, ignoring the abundance of talent in every child. Every child should be given the best opportunity for them to expand and grow their talents as everyone is special in their own way. For example, Mahar whom is talented in music is given the responsibility to lead their school team in the cultural performance. Thirdly, the movie potrays a very special credo which is, 'We are our our own obstacles'. Poverty, family issues and community perception is always used as excuses in not trying our best to achieve our dreams. Fret not, way is where the will is. All in all, the movie is a great piece. It has lots of hilarious moments and some beautiful ones which i enjoy very much, thank you. And not to forget, the beauty of relationships are clearly potrayed in the movie. I hope, Malaysia will make this movie an example and create more meaningful movies with 'substance'. To the journey of a better future of Malaysia. Amin~



The weather on that day was rainy but I’m still came to the BEL 313 class because of the feeling of excited to watch the movie that will show by Teech in that day. The movie was in Indonesian version and my first expectation was wrong which the movie must be in English because of we attend for BEL 313 class. The title of the movie is ‘LASKAR PELANGI’. I think it was the second time for me to watch this movie but I’m glad for watch it again this time because this movie gives me many lesson and good knowledge. One of the character that I like in this movie is Lintang which he is from a poor family has a good talent in calculate only using his brain. He has high spirit in learning to become good student even though his house is very far from the school and has to avoid a dangerous crocodile in his way to the school. This spirit must be present in each student nowadays including myself where they have plenty of pleasure and comfort to gain of knowledge. The other lesson is sincere in doing things that we do. Cikgu Muslimah is the teacher in Muhammadiyah School which is the poor school to compare with UPT School and she has high sincerity to teach the students. Even though she had give up when Pak Hassan had died but she realized that she can’t to let go her responsibility to her students. Based on my credo in critical thinking class before, ‘miracle is where the sincerity is’(promote my own credo hehe J), it is suitable with this story when Cikgu Muslimah teach with her full sincerity and miracle is coming when her students were success especially Ikal which continued his study to Paris even though he had heart broken with Ai Ling.

            There are many lessons that I got from this movie other than I’ve said before like the value of good friendship between Lintang, Ikal, Sahara, Harun, Mahar and the others, and the humility behavior between rich people and poor people. As a conclusion, this story is very best and full of good message that very useful for people. For Teech, thank you for giving us to watch this movie. Thank you also for the foods that you sponsored at that night. Lastly, I would like to share the credo that I like from this movie, ‘memberilah sebanyak-banyaknya, bukan hanya menerima sebanyak-banyaknya’


“Be the world that you dream of”. Yes, this my slogan for my life..After watching Laskar Pelangi, I think this movie has related to my slogan because Lintang and his friends don’t ever give up to success in their life. They are also trying to change the fate of their family.
 This story has many lessons given to me. As example the students of Muhammadiyyah Schools’ life even though their life are miserable while their school is so old with not good in condition but they still have a  will to study and have right to learn. Knowledge is very important. Knowledge also makes our life change. I am so proud of Lintang because he has an afford to go to school even though his house located very far away from the school and really want to gain a knowledge. Furthermore, this movie also shows about the friendships. For example, Ikal has heartbroken with Ah Ling but his friend Mahar still make him happy. I felt enjoy, happy and so grateful being a student in UITM.
Last and but not least, thank you teech for giving chance to watch the wonderful movie ,LASKAR PELANGI.Bel313 is a best subject for me..I learn many things from you from the first class until now.. I admit, my first day in class I am very bored because I do not like this subject. There a lot of work to do! But now, I am glad to be one of your students. Thanks to you Teech!! JJJJJ

Laskar Pelangi...

“Reflection in the rainbow soldiers”

Based on the movie Laskar Pelangi that I have watched, it is a really good and thoughtful movie. I really like this movie because it has a lot of main ideas that want to show to people. The main ideas given are to give lessons to us.
One of the main ideas is to tell people the important of knowledge in our life. Such the situation in this movie where Lintangs’ father is a fisherman cannot afford his family. However, he still wants his son, Lintang to go to school to get knowledge. In other situation, teachers of Muhammadiyyah School really want to teach their student thought the school is very old and didn’t get paid for their job. These show to us that, whoever we are, we still need knowledge in our life.
Secondly, this movie has thought me to be strong in continuing my life.  The lessons that I get from this movie, I realized that there are more people that lives in miserable. Therefore, I should have thankful on what I have right now because my life wasn’t miserable like them. Like the situation in this movie, Mahar, Lintang and friends are poor people. However, they are still happy enjoying their life. In other situation where Lintangs’ father died, Lintang are so strong to face it. He is very responsible person. I respect to him because he is a good brother for his sisters. These show that they are very strong and brave to continue their life.
            Thirdly, the principle of never give up and working hard always be shown in each character of this movie such as Teacher Muslimah never give up in teaching her students. She wants the best for her students.

        Actually there are many more lessons that I have got in this movie. However, I can only describe these three main ideas in this movie. In conclusion is we should thankful on whatever we have now and still fighting for our future life. Always thinking positive for our future and never gives up. =)      

Monday, September 2, 2013


Assalamualaikum guys.

First of all, Alhamdulillah. Very release my utmost chaotic feel as I did my press conference grandly :P I am thankful for having my real super group as we all had lend an all out effort for this press. 

And of course, I learnt many in this press, thank you Teech for giving me the opportunity to know my weakness as in the same time, I need to fight it as for my goods. However, in many time, I felt stress as I need to be like another side of myself. Meaning, yes I can shout , scream and do such jumping plus etc, but I do them in privately :)

And again, from deep in my heart, I know from now on, I need to fight for everything that I want to achieve and to grab (my dream.big.).
Guys, let be a critical thinker. Voice out the rational  ideas and response to anything in manner. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The journey of an end :)

Assalamualaikum to all :)

          Firstly, Alhamdulillah that our test 3 has ended nicely. But, the end has yet to come. We are still not settled yet with test 2 and the finals. All aside, i, personally am really grateful to be given the opportunity to experience this, shall i say, unique forum a.k.a press conference. It has taught me a lot. At first, to be truthful, it is a bit frustrating at times. However, through the passing of times, i have come to realise that there are lots of stuff that i have gained. I have learned to practice the courtesy during communicating, to criticise and being criticised, to be patient and reasonable at all times and to learn the real definition of teamwork (stand together, die together ;) ). And Teech, i have to say that your version of presentation regarding 'The Mermaid' deserved a standing ovation. I respect your high confidence. 

          After going through all the five press conferences, i have come to realise the real reason behind all the unending rules (the yellow card, 3 seconds answer moment all those shouting and shrieking and etc). To be truthful, it feels like we are actually majoring in BEL rather than Accountancy but in a good way of course. I can assure you that. To top it all, i believe that every single one of us did our best in our own way at least. Pat yourselves on the back, peeps :) Hopefully, our effort will be paid off, InsyaAllah. 

P/S : Pray for our Muslim sisters and brothers all over the world. May victory be in our hand. InsyaAllah :)

The End of The Conference.

Assalmualaikum wbt, firstly I want to say thanks to our dearest Teech for giving me an opportunity and encourage me to expose the real identity of mine.
                During the conference, when I stand as a presenter to all press, first 5 minutes I feel really and really nervous. So during this time, mostly I find the way to keep silent and passes the press question’s to my friends. I feel so uncomfortable while all the eye stick to me. My group, The Geeks present about the existence of Unidentified Flying Object or UFO as a topic. Actually this is one of the most huge areas to be covered. But in the end, all my groups do the searching and find the most interesting and also the information that we actually don’t know about it.

                In the end, I feel so unsatisfied and I my head I want to make at least one more conference about the UFO.  Lastly, I feel so happy during this conference which is it makes my confidence more and more. Also, I want to thanks a lot to all my group members in way to finish our conference.

Press Conference Experiences

            Hooooorayyyyy!! Finally I was done my Test 3 for BEL 313. First thing, I do not know how to describe about my feeling happy, sad, relief, nervous and disappointed. Happy and relieved because our press conference was done at the same time I felt very sad because there are many questions that I do know to answer it. I'm very proud to be in this group because of highly cooperating to answer all questions from the floor. Actually I think I got many experiences from this press conference and this test also help me to improve my confidence level. Last but not least., thanks teech for the lesson and I will gonna miss this moments. Congratulation to all team and especially to my group, THE GEEKS..Love u guysss!

The feeling after press conference end.

Assalamualaikum everyone! 

Test 3 for BEL 313 was end when the last group, MERMAID presenter had presented their press conference on last Thursday. There are mix feelings in myself after all press conference finished already. I want to be happy J when no need to shout loudly (even nobody heard mine) and be critical thinker in crowded situation. But now, I am worry K when think about my marks for this test which I knew I did not contribute much in all the press conference.

            My group, THE GEEKS had presented on last Tuesday and our topic is The Existence of UFO. I already found many information about UFO for preparation but I think I cannot give full explanation when the time for presented it. I got nervous because of the floor had shout very loudly and my focus also lost. The one thing that I can learn as a presenter is how to control our temper when people disagree with our opinion and asking with bad manner.

            As a conclusion, I feel relieved and I do not want to think about it much. Past is past. Congratulation to all my class members because do their best in the press conference. Thanks to all my group members to help me in preparation before and during the press conference. Lastly, thanks to our Teech. I enjoyed the way that you teach us. J J J