Sunday, September 8, 2013


“Be the world that you dream of”. Yes, this my slogan for my life..After watching Laskar Pelangi, I think this movie has related to my slogan because Lintang and his friends don’t ever give up to success in their life. They are also trying to change the fate of their family.
 This story has many lessons given to me. As example the students of Muhammadiyyah Schools’ life even though their life are miserable while their school is so old with not good in condition but they still have a  will to study and have right to learn. Knowledge is very important. Knowledge also makes our life change. I am so proud of Lintang because he has an afford to go to school even though his house located very far away from the school and really want to gain a knowledge. Furthermore, this movie also shows about the friendships. For example, Ikal has heartbroken with Ah Ling but his friend Mahar still make him happy. I felt enjoy, happy and so grateful being a student in UITM.
Last and but not least, thank you teech for giving chance to watch the wonderful movie ,LASKAR PELANGI.Bel313 is a best subject for me..I learn many things from you from the first class until now.. I admit, my first day in class I am very bored because I do not like this subject. There a lot of work to do! But now, I am glad to be one of your students. Thanks to you Teech!! JJJJJ

1 comment:

  1. Be the world that you dream of.
    Because that is your world.
    The world where you have the freedom -
    to be YOU :-D
