Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Con Te Partiro

Assalamualaikum everyone!!!

The time has come. Time to say goodbye. BEL 313, goodbye. Knowledge. Relationships. Experiences. Responsibility. We get it in 313. Actually there are more and more. But the most important are those four things that we will bring it to say hello for our new journey later. Our way later that make we more matured in the future.

I want to thank my partner in test 1, Laila, give and help a lot with me in our assignments.  <3. Infinite thanks to my team members, Farah, Izah, Ain, Afiqah and the only beetle in our group, Idan. All of you are ‘The Best’. Thank you for help me and support me. I’m sorry if there any mistake that I’ve made. There are other feelings that I want to share, not only from my words. It may good if I can hugs all of you now to deliver my feeling to all of you. But, sorry for Idan. J Only in words I can send to you. There is a limit between us.

To Teech, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge to me, to us. I’m sorry if there any mistake that I’ve made. Lastly, thank you to all class members. J Good luck for final exam. Pray for me too. J

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