Wednesday, September 18, 2013


"It is not a really goodbye actually. -It is HI-. The journey is just begin. Without you, Teech, this BEL313 course, will not be a great English subject ever. No guidance and a sarcatism from you will not make this job perfectly and lively.  May be there are a lot of requirements, but actually it just a form of lesson. Yes, learning is a process to every learner for making a future preparation. In every single time (especially in the class), we, The 313 Otais are filled with a numerous activities which sometime, it is relaxing and such a therapy.

By having a group web blog, it is an unforgettable relationship as we, the members, have faced a lot of challenges to work on the assignments. We spent time together, create a thousand of brainstorming till such a torpedo’s effect brought out :D , but we still together. Plus on it, it give us the opportunity to start a communication widely by online, as by socializing. It give us a strength to voice out what is on our mind, and thus it teach us for always being ready, firm and cool for any incoming comments positively and even negatively.

All in all, I am very begging an apologise from Teech and all my fellow friends, if I  done wrongly knowingly or not. At last, I like to share my credo, 'Life is a Battle'. With that, I end my talk by Assalamualikum w.b.t.", said Izah from Karangkraf. :P

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